We have more images thanks to Nyc Labrets - see address at bottom of images, to paste into your browser to see 200+ images, communally mounted in a pretty amazing display
Also just got this link from Alan Castle - this stuff is obviously viral on social media but it's getting into the mass media as well: Pepper-spray cop works his way through art history - Arts Post - The Washington Post
Here is a blog devoted to the subject (thanks Barb Rice):
Banksy-inspired (lst one below):
Famous works of art:
Picasso's Guernica:
Pike's penguins:
Civil rights violations:
Crass commercialism:
more innocent victims (along with Bambi, Pound Puppies, Care Bears etc.)
Here is the link to paste into your browser, since I can't get a hot link:
These are our first batch from last night and this morning:
Silenced Majority Portal: Pepper-Spray Inspires Art Makeovers
These two are from "Lt. Peppers Lonely Heart's Meme Band" on Facebook.
from Pepper Spray Cop blog (revisionist history)
Every sacred cow:
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