This is really goofy. Maybe Condi herself should move to Paraguay with Bush. I once read that Reverend Moon owns adjacent property but now cannot find this on the internet.
Didn't someone once suggest locating Israel in Madagasgar?! Is this the way to settle, by moving large groups of people to other continents!
& by the way, didn't some former Nazi officials (such as Joseph Mengele and Eichmann) eventually flee to South America?
It turns out Condi actually did suggest in a meeting that Palestinian refugees relocate to South America rather than to their homeland.
Apparently, there are historically some Palestinians in Chili and Argentina has alot of land.
"Maybe we will be able to find countries that can contribute in kind. Chile,Argentina, etc (ie, give land)."
Condoleezza Rice: send Palestinian refugees to South America | World news | The Guardian - more details here
Paraguay in a spin about Bush's alleged 100,000 acre hideaway | World news | The Guardian
Daily Kos: Bush Buys Ranch in Paraguay: Planning Escape?
Undernews: Bush Purchases 99000 Acres In Paraguay? | Scoop News
State Dept. Formally Denies Bush’s South American Escape Plans