This is the first article I read this morning .. "Obama Thinks Blue in Texas as His Lone Star Approval Rating Hits 51%."
Obama Thinks Blue In Texas As His Lone Star Approval Rating Hits 51%
This is the first panel I am attending, now that I have registered at Netroots Nation in Minneapolis:
Big Latino Turnout Equals Progressive Victories - Will it Happen in 2012?
Markos Moulitsos, Rep. Luis Guitierrez (IL), SEIU's Eliseo Medina
In 2008 and 2010, states like Nevada received HUGE numbers - ie. Harry Reid received 98% of the Latino vote! & it wasn't just because Sharon Angle was crazy. HR supported the Dream Act. By contrast, in Florida, the picture was quite different.
The panel will address what may happen in 2012. Obama has over 70% Latino support but the committed voter rate is in the 40%s. So it all hinges on voter turnout. It depends on how many and why people are deported. Ambivalence could be a problem unless there is a fair immigration policy. (photo shows Markos Moulitsos before the panel)
Congressman Gutierrez:
93% at 18 are citizens; 4:1 Latino Congress ratio Democrat:Republican - Latinos supported Hillary Clinton overwhelmingly in the primaries in 2008 but embraced Obama in the Generals. Yet Obama is perceived as not having lived up to his campaign promises for comprehensive immigration reform. He needs to use the authorities that he has to do better if he wants massive Latino support and a second term.
Markos Moulitsas:
Hate, bigotry and racism keep the Republicans from supporting any type of immigration reform - it isn't business, per se. We aren't going to have 60 votes in Congress any time soon - so the Tea Party has to fizzle out.
SEIU's Eliseo Medina:
The Spanish language media will be an important factor in registration, participation, education. The other thing is to get rid of people like Lou Dobbs and Glenn Beck in the English-language media. Campaigns of both parties say one thing in English and one thing in Spanish in commercials and need to be called out on that.