I've got a piece of his in which Jesus is rising up from a sea of yellow finger paint with thumbprints and little Buddhas. We've done stories on his gallery shows before and now Kisten-Daiensae is in his '90s so his art was on display from nine different decades.
Daiensai has used the following media: acrylic, charcoal, clay, crayon,gouache, sumi, silkscreen, watercolor, oil, encaustic, egg tempura, pastel, pen & ink, pencil, lost wax bronze, wood sculpture, woodcut, cement, serigraphy, linocuts, lithgraphy and more.
This is the one I loved today.
When Daiensae was set to arrive, someone said that it was the "anti-Rapture!" We got the feeling that alot of the attendees had been around in the beatnik days as participants not observers (a compliment) and there was (as always) a good spread of food and wine. (Great sushi)
We wandered to the peaceful Zen garden in the back.