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Condi Rice told the 9/11 Commission and the 9/11 Widows under oath that the "Bin Laden Determined to Strike in US" memo was not a warning. It warned of preparations for hijackings and planned attacks in the US.

On July 10, 2001, CIA director George Tenet warned Condi that al Qaeda attacks were coming in the next few weeks. Later he said acting on those warnings might have prevented 9/11. Cofer Black said "The only thing we didn't do was pull the trigger to the gun we were holding to her head."

The UK, Germany, Italy, and Egypt warned of aircraft as weapons; Russia of suicide pilots; Jordan and the Cayman Islands of attacks involving airlines. 13 foreign countries and 3 FBI offices warned. Israel warned of 19 terrorists plotting inside the USA, and named at least 4 of the alleged hijackers.

The German press reported that the August 6 PDB was actually 11-1/2 pages long, not the 1-1/2 pages we've seen.

Google: Condi Oath Youtube


Aretha, on the other hand, sang at Obama's Inauguration and I doubt had much power over world events r/t Iraq.
Nobody listened to any of us.

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