This year in University Place we attended two memorials. One sponsored by University Place Station Bar Grill, the other a private affair
by a local family aided by Vietnam Vets. In both cases the individuals who died had passed away due to lack of medical care because they were under or uninsured
and could not afford to see a doctor or were afraid to seek medical care due to the costs. The deaths could have been prevented had they had good medical care.
Providing decent basic medical care and health education at a fair price prevents needless deaths and suffering as well as helping to avoid
financial disasters for American families. President Obama should not fear lack of support if he stands up and speaks out for doing the right thing.
Doing the right thing is the only thing to do.
A healthy America is a strong America. We are not advocating for just health care but a new attitude towards increasing wellness, which means decreasing
our ever growing problem with diabetes and hypertension and cancers related to environmental factors and nutritional deficiencies and decreasing infant mortality.
Don't we want a strong America?
Is America going to continue to be held captive by insurance fraud and greed and let those with hearts worse than Scrooge hurt more of America?
Are we really going to give more business to an industry that denies 30% of claims so that Americans die while waiting for care....
Look at the facts, think about what you would do if you had a sick child or relative or spouse.
Call your Senators and demand real protection from evil profiteers...send emails to your family, your friends regardless of party affiliation.
This is not a party issue...this is an American issue.
This is not happening in 3rd world country my fellow Americans....
This is happening in our neighborhood and to our neighbors and friends, our family members.
Blessings to you this Christmas Season,
Long Life to Tiny Tim!
Dan Herman
Laura Earles
University Place, WA