Discover's series, "How Autistic Artists See Themselves" includes a piece by my neighbor Gregg Blackstock. The gallery is cool but not the type we can embed here. Go to the link. There it's possible to see some of the variety of interests, media, technique. It would be a crime if people were to try to find too many patterns or common threads, as each individual will be different. That's the beauty of art!
We've discussed Greg Blackstock before on this site. Silenced Majority Portal: Blackstock's Collections His work has been shown at Garde Rail, in Seattle, which has recently moved to Austin, TX. He became convinced to use color, which you can see below, but originally worked in black & white. I don't think his original interest was to do things like Easter eggs, that were maybe more saleable, but to categorize and differentiate (screwdrivers, lighthouses etc.) - variations on a theme. (We have had many discussions about this.) His work has been incorporated into haute couture shirts in Europe. Silenced Majority Portal: My Neighbor Gregg Blackstock's Drawings Incorporated into Commes des Garcons Fashion
Here are examples of Gregg's more recent color work:
More Artistic Than Autistic is a site where the artist is 14. I collect some works, which are varied in style and invariably interesting. Steven Wiltshire is one of the most fascinating, from childhood on, though he's all grown up now! As a child, he could do things like draw an entire city as seen from the air, from memory. He was a human Google earth satellite viewer! Like me, his fascination is architecture, which is what got me back into drawing after a 30 year hiatus! His city is London, which is the city where my inspiration occurred! If I don't go off this site, I may spend alot of money! Donna Williams - Her gallery is on her site. She also has two books, interesting to read. Elena Mary Siff - I dig the work here very much. These pieces are by Noah Ehrenberg.
Share Your Autistic Child's Special Gifts - is a website with more info on the subject of artists with autism. There is also a new book - Mark Batty Publisher : » Drawing Autism (There is a Facebook group for this book.)
Here is something special I have hanging on my refridgerator. The artists was not almost six years old when he did this. It's a map! (not great resolution as I used by little webcam thing)
The only nonautistic (presumably) artists I can think of who can touch this stuff (in my mind) are top notch: Saul Steinberg (below 1), Vasily Kandinsky, De Kooning, Dubuffet (below 2), Giacometti (below 3).
Very cute pictures... Thanks for sharing...
Posted by: Kids autist | February 13, 2010 at 12:33 AM