Oh darn, I overslept it and missed making the long drive. Lest anyone thing it's a liberal mecca outside Seattle ..

BOOK SIGNING: Palin meets thousands of fans over 3 hours - Breaking News | Tri-City Herald : Mid-Columbia news
By the way, she likes it when people hate her. This can be capitalized on later in her political career. Below are excerpts from the article Hate Sarah Palin? She loves that -- latimes.comAs commentators revile her, Palin realizes they are also empowering her. Indeed, she is engaged in one of the greatest feats of rope-a-dope in political history.
Early on, politicians vied to show who was the least patrician and the most plebeian, and the election to the presidency of the hero of the War of 1812, Andrew Jackson, is often cited as the point at which American politics turned and the egalitarian strain triumphed.
Nixon was able to turn his entire existence, much less his political career, into a battle between them and us, the Brahmins and ordinary folk, which made his loss to John F. Kennedy more than a personal political loss. To him, it was a galling defeat of the common man by his presumed social betters.
Palin is playing that same card on the gamble that anti-elitism will trump her own inexperience, incompetence and lack of knowledge.
Supporters profess to love her because she is just like them, without airs, which may be true. Palin seems to have the benefit of her sincerity. She isn't a metaphor. She is something more effective: a personification. If she prefers the "worst and the dumbest" to the "best and the brightest," Palin fans think that is exactly as it should be, which drives the elites to revile her further, which in turn further feeds the Palin contempt machine.
And she knows she has a very good foil in the Ivy League-educated, erudite, articulate Barack Obama, who is obviously everything Palin isn't. "He's not one of us" -- a "tea-baggers'" cry -- could very easily turn into "he condescends to us."
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