He has shown up at Phyllis Schlafly's conservative conference. She's still alive?!! Will have to find a current picture of her. She must be a wrinkled old prune by now. I am reading on one blog now that apparently she is a lifelong celibate. I guess the conference is the conservative's "Take Back America" movement now (they are copying the Dean supporters of 2003.)
Huckabee railed against the UN, said they were the "international equivalent of ACORN" and America should withdraw.
HUCKABEE: It’s time to get a jackhammer and to simply chip that part of New York City. Let it float into the East River, never to be seen again.[STANDING OVATION] [...]
It’s time to say enough of the American taxpayer dollar being spent that may have had a noble idea, but it has become a disgrace. It has become the international equivalent of ACORN, and it’s time to say enough.
He's right. Both have been aggressively involved with child prostitution.
Posted by: John K | September 28, 2009 at 09:19 PM