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Ally McLesbian

Amsterdam does suck. For the same reasons as California, at that.

Namely, far-right immigrant theocrats.

Of course, Fox does complain about the immigrant fuckup of California, but it is the greatest beneficiary of the immigrants too. Between Prop 8 and all the false rumors about Obama, the immigrants had to come up with all of that to keep the Fox propaganda machine well fed.

Nyc Labretš

This just went viral in a big way.

When our friend Derek first posted it on the mailing list we're on I was going to leave a comment on it but got pulled away on another task and so I still have the tab open.

That page on YouTube shows that at that time it had only 217 views and now today it is closing in on 195,000 views.


I'll be doing a reply video, starting with the main point being that 4 out 5 Americans surveyed do not have a Passport, havew never left the USA and therefore have no clue what life outside the US is like, shortly and will cross post it here.

Tired of these liars whipping up ignorant people to further their agenda.

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