India's Congress party paid approximately $200,000 to buy the rights and will use the theme from "Slumdog Millionaire" as a campaign song for their elections in April and May. The song is catchy and has become very popular in Indian. It's common for Bollywood themes to blare from speakers at political rallies.
From Wikipedia:
India is a "sovereign socialist secular democratic republic." Like the United States, India has a federal form of government, however, the central government in India has greater power in relation to its states, and its central government is patterned after the British parliamentary system.
For most of the years since independence, the federal government has been led by the Indian National Congress. The years 1996–1998 were a period of turmoil in the federal government with several short-lived alliances holding sway. In the 2004 Indian elections, the INC won the largest number of seats and formed a government called the United Progressive Alliance .
Indian politics is often described as chaotic. More than a fifth of parliament members face criminal charges and is not unheard of that most state assembly seats are held by convicted criminals. Corruption in India is common.
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Posted by: Atul | April 11, 2019 at 12:32 PM