« Andrew Sullivan Can Bite Me, The View Out My Window of the U2 Subway Is Much Cooler Than His Is | Main | Charles Manson is OLD! »



Excellent to come home to .. you got a little blank space in your article when I scroll - very good though!


The right wing attack ACORN to antagonize their base against President Obama's administration. Since the right wingers are too stupid and lazy to seek the truth for themselves they will continue to follow 50 million $$$ a year Rush Limbaugh who is only preaching this garbage to make himself richer. My opinion only.


Oh, sorry - I forgot to tell you - Great story and great photo coverage. You never let us down. Keep up the good work.


I am so grateful people like you are out there showing what the news does not. We need more people like you. And I don't want to see "octomom" costumes.

El Salvador del Norte

Keeping Rush up might be a good thing.

He is actually principled enough to attack theocratic immigrants - considered by the party establishment to be the new face of the Republican Party.

I'm all for Republicans eating their own. Especially when the ones being eaten are the most dangerous demographic - immigrant theocrats.

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