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Splendid!!! Soooooooooo glad you got to really celebrate after soooooooooo many years of going to bed in horror at the results!


Love the red shoes.


Our celebration (in lil'ol Bryson City, NC) was as euphoric but not as large in numbers. But what we lacked in numbers we made up in enthusiasm. Great job to everybody across "these United States" we can be proud of what we accomplished. The pics were great wish I could have been there with you.


In Portland there were so many people that
there was worry that the manhole covers downtown would collapse

Steve Elliott (alapoet)

I love Seattle! And its wonderful people.

Ally McRepuke in Seoul

I'm proud to be American, but ashamed to be Californian.

The Repukes have defended all their "vulnerable" seats with ease. And California's reactionary immigrant motherfuckers have managed to ban gay marriage - again.

Rest assured that I will repay the favor by voting for every nativist measure and against every pro-immigrant measure that comes my way. Immigrants have fucked up California beyond repair.

Other states may need immigration, but California certainly doesn't - these immigrants not only rewrite moral laws and suck up public resources, but we simply have no jobs and no resources left to offer them anymore.

Ally McRepuke in Seoul

And now that gay marriage is banned, what's gonna happen next in California?

Seriously, I expect honor killings and murder-suicides to become legal in California.

The white liberals will support such measures if only because it's pushed by their immigrant buddies.

I know better.

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