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Liberal Cowgirl! Thank you!


Diana, From your comment I can only aussme you are as ignorant and bigoted as Al Sharpton. I am a Mormon. All of my family for generations have been Mormons. I literally know thousands of Mormons. Every Mormon I have ever known believes Jesus is the Son of God and is deity. We worship him and pray in his name. We perform all ordinances in his name. We believe he is the creator of the universe and that all power in the universe is derived from him. We know that man can only be saved through his grace and infinite sacrifice. I am sick of people trying to tell me what I believe and misrepresenting my religion. I am exhausted from having my faith maligned daily in the press from all sides without any repercussions. I'd also like to see some reciprocity from the Christian Right when it comes to Mormonism. There is no voting block more firmly behind the Christian Right agenda than the Mormons, but I guess a Mormon can't count on that support in return.


Your last sentence is correct! Don't trust the Christian right if you are Jewish, Mormon, Muslim or liberal Christian. They have a separate agenda and in fact are being co-opted by the corporate rightwing agenda.

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