These people are pathetic. Governor-Wannabee Dino Rossi of WA state has affiliated himself in the primary with the "GOP party" so as to not admit he's a Republican. Now Minnesota Senator Norm Coleman says, "If the convention wasn't in St. Paul, I wouldn't be at the convention."
Bush is speaking the first day & no one wants to be seen with him - it's Memorial Day so alot of people won't be watching. Cheney will be there after all. McCain will speak "in the round" with backers behind him - probably the traditional balloon drop indoors and I suppose alot of military dudes. The RNC is has had trouble finding enough volunteers. Lieberman will be appearing as Zell Miller II.
MORE RUMORS: (thanks Robin)
Ted Nugent, clad only in Charlton Heston's toupee, sings the national anthem. Twelve failed partial birth abortions assemble to Paul Anka's "Havin' My Baby" and form a human pyramid. Roger Whittaker tribute. Pat Robertson accuses Barack Obama of being "mostly negro". Several multimillionaires tell their own moving stories. William Kristol, Sean Hannity and Bill O'Reilly perform "Triplets" from "The Bandwagon".
Charles Daniels Band, Leanne Rimes, Sammy Hagar, Mike Love version of Beach Boys (will John McCain sing "Bomb Bomb Iran?"
I did not seek to be negative with the Hitler image below. I found it when Image Googling "peace sign." Slugbug