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Where are mayors Rybek and Coleman? Have either of them said a word about the raids? Have they been asked? They need to rein in law enforcement. If they allow this to go on they will invite some real problems in the cities in the coming days.

It's as if the Minneapolis and St. Paul police are provoking citizens. This is a surefire way to lower the discourse.


Good job Kayakbiker! This is a travesty.


Excellent coverage KB. FBI - Homeland Security - Local police? This is a scary bunch. Sounds more like China than America. Isn't this how Nazi Germany began? Have any political victims disappeared lately?


As strange as it sounds...yesterday when Lisa plugged her laptop in for power and picked up the wireless DSL some FBI thing came up on her screen. She and I wondered what it was never saw it before. Things that make you want to go hmmmm.


These people are friends and colleagues and I am getting quite concerned about them. Kayakbiker, please keep us informed about anything they may need. The VFP folks are amazing committed soldiers, and they truly work for peace. Their voices should be ringing loudly now, and we should all be listening harder.


This action appears unconstitutional to me. I guess that by the time they sort it out the protest opportunity may be over. Is anyone looking at the legal aspect of all this? Can we expect any legal action, or are we looking at the end of our right to speak out?

Kelley Lynch

I feel these pre-emptive raids were used to tamper with witnesses, influence jurors, and intimidate the general populus: in advance of any actions these "agencies" may be caught on camera engaging in. I have no idea if the FBI, Homeland Security, or other federal agencies were involved - but clearly the police were and it demands an investigation. It is a sad day when our country looks precisely like China - particularly after all the commotion with this year's Olympic ceremonies, Tibet, human rights violations, etc. Lawsuits will probably help cut these individuals off at the pass - as would losing their "badges." Their actions are incredibly aggressive and done in broad daylight. And, obviously they were coordinated in advance. So, that's pre-meditation and they have motive. Therefore, it's criminal and unconstitutional. This is clearly not only my opinion and this view should not only be shared by Democrats. It should be shared by Democrats and Americans and people that want to live peacefully - together.

Kelley Lynch


The above is somehow being used to pimp an erectile dysfunction pill.


Кто был в сша? Меня мучает одна проблема - метеоризм. Особенно она мешает ночью, т.к. я засыпаю со своим парнем. И по ночам меня мучают, извиняюсь, газы. Приходится на протяжении ночи много раз выходить в туалет. Уже боюсь, что молодой человек обо всем подразумевает, и мне от этого очень позорно. Я уже была у врачей, мне поставили диагноз гастрит. Ничего толком мне не выписали, кроме всего прочего врачи мне не понравились. Я постараюсь питаться нормально. Хочу вылечиться сама. Только с чего же стоит начать? Может, пропить таблетки какие-нибудь? Я итак уже ежедневно пью эспумизан - уже перестает помогать.


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Spook, you know you have to heed NDFG's warnings on what to eat. Maybe some uetrbtnued corn? We went to the Oregon State Fair last weekend and managed to escape with only cotton candy in our gullets.actually, she's the one who is informing me of this gastric atrocity. i agree on the corn (nom nom nom). and you get major props for escaping any state fair with your digestion intact. and i think the other bumz have lives or somthing. geez! (good traffic yesterday though. and once i'm through with moving follies and the fair, i can get back to full time posting and then the readership will likely improve a bit.)

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