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THis column is even called "Political Intelligence" - racism is going to die out eventually. Clinton isn't popular either and McCain will be the "last gasp" of the old white mans' dominance in America (and elsewhere.)

Obama leads in N.C.; voters distrust Clinton

Hillary Clinton is within striking distance in North Carolina, but a worrisome number of voters don't trust her.

That's the decidedly mixed message from a new poll conducted for The News & Observer in Raleigh, The Charlotte Observer, and TV stations in the two cities.

Barack Obama, who is favored in the May 6 primary, leads Clinton 32 percent to 26 percent, but an unusually high 39 percent remain undecided, according to the survey.

It found that trustworthiness is the most important quality sought by voters, with nearly 90 percent saying it would play an important role in deciding whom they support. On that measure, presumptive Republican nominee John McCain fared best, with 54 percent giving him high marks. Obama won high marks from 48 percent of voters, but only 25 percent of voters said that of Clinton.

The poll, which has a margin of error of plus of minus 4.9 percentage points, was conducted March 29 to April 1, during heavy coverage of Clinton acknowledging that she "misspoke" when she described landing in Bosnia under sniper fire during a 1996 humanitarian visit while first lady.

Not my president

Monkey said

Torch protesters scale Golden Gate Bridge

SAN FRANCISCO (KGO) -- Three protesters have scaled the suspension cables of the Golden Gate Bridge as part of an advance protest to the coming Olympic torch relay in San Francisco.

The three protesters are tethered together at 150 feet up the bridge. They have strung banners across the cables that read, "One World One Dream," and "Free Tibet '08."


Soooo, the Golden Gate was talked about in the last few years for its potential as a high profile terrorist target, and assurances were made that it was safe, etc... so how the hell did three protestors make it up 150 feet?

Feel safer yet?

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