How to Win in a Knife Fight by Karl Rove
Now that's a scary title, but it's actually a pretty informative article, in Newsweek, no less. Then there is Bill Clinton, pressuring California superdelegates to go with his wife. Then there is the Klobuchar endorsement for Obama plus the whole SC Congressional delegation en masse, to be announced tomorrow. Then there are these interesting little charts, including one from the Wall Street Journal .. curious and curiouser.
Remember the scary "3 AM" ad with the little sleeping girl who turned out to be an Obama supporter?
Remember the little Bosnia girl met during "sniper fire" who actually says she had time to read a poem?
Revealed .. JACKIE MASON, THE ULTIMATE JEW! Secret weapon against Rovian lies of H. Clinton
OMG. Can't finish Jackie's Ohhhhhhhh so horrible rant. Awful man. Seems like he would support Hills.
Posted by: zapata | April 01, 2008 at 10:41 PM